David Orr

Name ID 475

See also

nTZ Feedback
Extract Author: Dr James Eva
Page Number: 2007 12 31
Extract Date: 1958-63

James Eva - Arusha School - 1958-63

I lived at Geita gold mine near Mwanza from 1951 to 1966.

My sister Sheryl attended Arusha scool from 1957, and I joined her in 1958. We were there until 1963, after which she went to highschool in England, and I went to St Mary's in Nairobi.

During our time Mr Hampshire was headmaster, 'BL' Jones was vice principal (and in charge of sport and Meru-climbing), and a Miss Bailey was the fierce matron in charge of dormitories.

The old tortoise was already old (we said 100 years) back then, and I am amazed he is still around!

I was good friends with 'Schmedjie' Schmedgebakker, whose parents were Finnish and lived at Moshi, Mark Orr, whose dad was the gameranger in charge for Ngorogoro game park, Allan Sanger, an English boy, Rudiger Vogs, who, like me, came from Geita, and Robert Masimba, one of the first African children to attend the school.

I am delighted to find this very sentimental site. I will be taking my wife to visit Arusha in 2008.I am a very busy consultant Psychiatrist in Cornwall, UK, and have not until now spent the time to do that. Thank you for the reminder !

Extract ID: 5552

See also

Huxley, Elspeth Forks and Hope

darting in the crater

[Orr, David] a warden previously engaged on darting in the Ngorongoro crater

Extract ID: 794